The „Mill on the Creek“ in 2005

Eine Ruine...We bought the Mill at auction in November 2005 – or rather what was left of it. The middle building didn’t have a roof at all. The stone house did have a new roof but with a hole of 35 qm and the gable on the west was held together by the remnants of white plastic foil. The place was covered in junk and there was rubble all around the property. The weeds in the garden were so high we couldn’t even walk through the garden. There was not one area that was closed off from the external environment. Achim was a real champ. When the temperature was eleven degrees below zero outside, he built a wall between the building nearest the road and the middle building while I cleaned and repaired the room in the east. We were lucky, we had electricity and were able to run fan heaters. It was a cold an exhausting day, but so romantic…

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