Meet the bilingual secretary – Nisha J Stangl


Geprüfte Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin Nisha Stangl

It’s been a big year for Nisha (and her mother, too).  Not only did she get married, but she also just (officially on June 3) finished her vocational qualifications.  It’s  just after midnight and I’ve only been back from Landshut a few minutes.  It was a huge and very long ceremony where Nisha and nearly 250 other people got their certificates.  From now on, Nisha can say that she is a professionally qualified bilingual secretary, for English and German.  I’m very proud that she managed to summon the energy and courage to go do the exams and get her qualification.  I’m sure it will stand her in good stead.  She’s got a job interview lined up, too.  Congratulations, Nisha!

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Nisha Josephine Poehlmann becomes Nisha Josephine Stangl

Nisha und Florian Stangl

Nisha and Florian Stangl

It’s the 17th June, 2016 in the town hall of the little town of Neuhaus, on the River Inn.  8:45 am a group of people is standing there waiting.  Waiting for what you ask? Waiting for me, for I was late, as usual.  Waiting were Mr and Mrs Stangl senior with two of their sons, Florian and Simon, Florian’s best friend Frank and Mrs Stangl’s sister with her husband and …. Nisha with one of her best friends, Alex. Nisha was getting more anxious by the minute for she was didn’t want to get started without her mother.

Finally, 5 minutes past nine, Achim and I got there and we all hurried into the registrar’s office and Nisha and Florian sat at  registrar Hamberger’s desk, listening to a rendition on the importance of humor, while I cried my eyes out in the back row, joined by Florian’s mother.  Then the registrar explained the legalities of a name change and finally he asked whether they intend to henceforth be married to each other. After they both said a simple „yes“, he congratulated them on their marriage.  And that was that.

Nisha J. Poehlmann is now  Nisha J. Stangl, a married woman of 24 – not much longer though, because in three weeks she’ll turn 25.  We welcome Florian into our family. Florian is a 36 year old, welder by trade and Nisha and he have been living together for the past 6 weeks in the gorgeous little town of Vornbach. Life will never be the same again, Nisha.  All the very best, to the two of you. May your love last throughout the ages.

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December 2015


Christmas 2015

Das Leben an der Bachlmühle ist wirklich besonders.  Ich hätte mir kaum vorstellen können, ass das Leben an der Mühle so viel Spaß machen kann.  Seht die Bilder, dann bekommt ihr einen Eindruck.

Das Weihnachten war besonders schön.  Erstmalig hat Nisha einen Partner mitgebracht. Der Florian Stangl aus Pocking hat ihr Herz erobert und ist gerade dabei unseres zu erobern.  Ein herzlicher Dank geht an den Herbert Holzner, der uns mit ganz großartiger Musik verwöhnt hat.  Wir saßen bis 3 Uhr morgens beim ratschen, musizieren und feiern. Leider ist uns erst sehr spät eingefallen, dass wir auch Fotos machen könnten, da war der Herbert schon weg.

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Geschützt: 2015 – Another Fabulous Year at the Mill

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September 2015

Two years ago we planted fruit trees and this year we finally got some wonderful and delicious peaches of our own trees…. Yummy!

First peaches ...

First peaches of our own.

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10 Year Anniversary at the Bachlmuehle

typical room at the mill in 2005

typical „room“ at the mill in 2005

It was the 22nd October,  2005 when we saw the Bachlmuehle for the first time.  We knew nothing about it.  We didn’t even know that it had once been a water mill.  It had been offered on an internet platform and seemed way too far off the beaten track to be of any interest for us. But we did go there , we did see it and fell in love – right there, right then.  10 days later we bought it at auction.

I was scared as can be.  I had taken a big risk buying a building that was totally uninhabitable.  I mean there were holes in the roofs or roofs missing altogether and I sure didn’t know how to fix any of that.  There was no elektricity, there was no water, there were only piles of rubble everywhere. It seemed like an impossible task.  Achim after all stilled lived in the same house as Regina and had a live long remainder expectant.  What if he changed his mind?

living at the mill 2015

living at the mill 2015

Well he didn’t and he started working on the mill right away. In 2008 we moved in.  Thre is still lots to do, but we have a comfortable home here, not only for ourselves, but also for our animals and the family is growing from year to year.

You know, you’re always welcome here, too.



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Connecting the new with the old…

Many of you would know that the Vollath ancestors come from the Hutzlmuehle.  Achim and I have bought the Bachlmuehle.  Today I realized that the Goldsteig Hiking Trail connects both mills.  Hutzlmuehle is in part N04, Bach(l)mühle in N22. If you’re thinking of walking the trail, here is the description:,5/distance:0,50/climb:0,2000/duration:0,10/roundtour:0/reststop:0/family:0/view:gallery/sort:title/hideSearchForm:1

Just by the way, Horst Poehlmann sen. also has a mill. The Mill of Oldisleben on the Unstrut in Thuringia. For those of you who can read German:

“  Mühle Oldisleben

Die ehemalige Klostermühle Oldisleben ging 1802 in den Besitz der Familie Weineck über, die zu Beginn des 19. Jh. den Mühlenpark angelegten. Der ca 0,3 ha grosse Park beinhaltet eine Grotte aus Dornstein, Sitzplatz aus versteinertem Holz und Arkose-Sandstein sowie seltene Pflanzen, z.B. Ginkgo, japanischer Schnurbaum, schwedische Maulbeere.

Der Komponist Carl Friedrich Zöllner (1800-1860) schrieb 1840 im Oldisleber Mühlenpark die Melodie zum Gedicht des Dessauer Dichter und Hofbibliothekars Wilhelm Müller (1794-1827) „Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust….“. Die Mühle war bis etwa 1980 in Betrieb.

Die heute in Privatbesitz befindliche Mühle ist Wasserkraftwerk mit  rekonstruierter alter Wasser- und Generatortechnik. Besichtigung nach Anmeldung bei Herrn Vollbrecht möglich.“


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Geschützt: Ahnen und Vorfahren

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Geschützt: New milestone at 3:45 pm today!!!

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Geschützt: My „little“ girl down under

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