10 Year Anniversary at the Bachlmuehle

typical room at the mill in 2005

typical „room“ at the mill in 2005

It was the 22nd October,  2005 when we saw the Bachlmuehle for the first time.  We knew nothing about it.  We didn’t even know that it had once been a water mill.  It had been offered on an internet platform and seemed way too far off the beaten track to be of any interest for us. But we did go there , we did see it and fell in love – right there, right then.  10 days later we bought it at auction.

I was scared as can be.  I had taken a big risk buying a building that was totally uninhabitable.  I mean there were holes in the roofs or roofs missing altogether and I sure didn’t know how to fix any of that.  There was no elektricity, there was no water, there were only piles of rubble everywhere. It seemed like an impossible task.  Achim after all stilled lived in the same house as Regina and had a live long remainder expectant.  What if he changed his mind?

living at the mill 2015

living at the mill 2015

Well he didn’t and he started working on the mill right away. In 2008 we moved in.  Thre is still lots to do, but we have a comfortable home here, not only for ourselves, but also for our animals and the family is growing from year to year.

You know, you’re always welcome here, too.



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