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Geschützt: A hard day.
Veröffentlicht unter Tiere
Verschlagwortet mit Abschied, Bachlmuehle, Pferd, Pferde
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Geschützt: Altes Auto weg, neues Auto hin!
Veröffentlicht unter Interessantes Drum'Herum
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Geschützt: Glykorrizi – unser neuer Zweitwohnsitz
Veröffentlicht unter Griechenland
Verschlagwortet mit Aetos, Glyorrizi, Griechenland, Kyparissia, Pisaski
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Geschützt: Good Bye Australia
Veröffentlicht unter Interessantes Drum'Herum
Verschlagwortet mit Adelaide, Australien, Südaustralien, Wohnung
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Keine Pferde mehr
Ja, man kann nicht alles haben. Entweder wir fahren 2022 mit dem Boot die Donau hinunter und wohnen teilweise in Griechenland, oder wir kümmern uns um die Pferde.
Franzi hat uns bereits September 2019 verlassen. Sie wohnt jetzt in der Nähe von Marktredwitz, dem Stammsitz der Pöhlmanns bei Antonia, einer 15-jährigen Pferdenärrin, der nach vielen Schicksalsschlägen, Franzi ein Lächeln ins Gesicht gezaubert hat. Es geht ihr blendend und wir bekommen immer wieder Fotos von ihr.
Jetzt ist es Zeit sich von Paula und Silverado zu verabschieden. Am 31.10.2020 ist der Umzug. Das fällt wirklich schwer, denn wir dachten, wir würden zusammen mit den Pferden alt werden, aber unsere Ziele haben sich in den letzten Jahren stark verändert. Vor allem wollen wir noch nicht alt werden. Es ist uns leider nicht gelungen junge Menschen zu finden, die beim Projekt Bachlmühle mitmachen wollen.
Silverado bleibt ganz in der Nähe und wir sind glücklich, dass er zu Menschen kommt, die wir seit Jahren kennen und achten. Er wird wieder das Reitpferd, zu dem er geboren wurde. Wir können ihn auch weiterhin sehen.
Paula hingegen zieht nach Thüringen um. Einige Kilometer südlich von Leipzig wohnt ihre neue Mama Sophie. Sie ist 27 Jahre jung und hat auch eine kleine Tochter. Es gibt auch einen Mann im Haus. Paula wird mit 4 anderen Norkern in einer Herde auf dem Land leben. Gerne hätte ich auch sie in unsere Nähe gewusst, aber um ehrlich zu sein, war das einfach das beste Platzangebot. Wir sind überzeugt, dass es ihr gut gehen wird.
Als Haustiere haben wir nun nur noch Leni und Gray die Taube.
Veröffentlicht unter Uncategorized
Verschlagwortet mit Haustiere, Pferde, Trennung
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All gone!
At the beginning of January we got word, that our wonderful off-grid home in Greece has been broken open and robbed.
Everything is gone. Furniture, kitchen, food, clothes, bed, bedding, crockery, cutlery, you name it – it’s gone. The walls were smeared with paint. Our hearts are broken. We are not even sure whether we want to go back to Greece or not. The
pain is just too much. We know that there are awful people everywhere, but every year we’ve had stuff stolen and we were broken into. It’s never been as bad as this before. Last year they had „only“ stolen our floorboards and an old mobile phone (even though it had a message on it from my late grandmother).
Veröffentlicht unter Griechenland
Verschlagwortet mit Diebstal, Griechenland, Vandalismus
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Farewell Chesta (aka Franzi)
Today 07.09.2019 Franzi walked into a trailer and left us. We sold her last Sunday.
Yet again I see how difficult it is to predict even my own feelings yet alone the behaviour of horses. I fed the horses a bit early and gave them each their anti-helmtic paste. Paula was too impressed but the other two went straight for it. Ever since last Sunday the horses‘ behaviour had been unusual. They neighed a lot during the day although they had everything they needed. When the new owners got here, I asked them to go into the garage so Franzi wouldn’t be distracted. I put her halter on by stepping into the feed box and gave my best to convince her to come to the opening end of the fence. She was good and come fairly quickly. I took her on a slack lead rope and just walked into the trailer. The first time she walked beside the ramp. So I went back with her and tried a second time. The second time she came halfway up so I made her go back and again walked ahead. When she stopped I just gave the rope a couple of tugs being careful not to turn around or look at her. I just kept on walking and in she went like a champ. Then disaster struck! The new owner shut the rear with a huge bang. The horse bolted and went over the front bar with its front legs. There she was hanging in the trailer helpless and super nervous. Now, what to do? Achim tried to cut the bolts but to no avail. I tried calming the horse, Antonia the girl who got the horse was crying, the parents tried to calm the girl and the fellow they had brought along who apparently had transported many horses were trying to find a solution for the problem.
After Franz had calmed down a little she again showed what an unsual and clever horse she was. She brought her real legs forward and gently climed over the front bar with her front hooves. No panic this time, just clever action. Imagine our relieve!
Paula and Silverado are super upset at the moment. They are calling for her. Paula is showing some behaviour I’ve never before seen on her. She’s trying to chew the metal bars of the feed box.
Achim called the manufacturer of the trailer and found out that the trailer has a panic release for the front bar. By turning a bolt outside, the bar inside drops away. He let the new owners know and found out, that Franzi really is very brave and well behaved in the trailer. They are not having any problems. Annother 1 1/2 hours and they will be at the stables.
Although I’m sad, I know that Franzi will now get the attention she needs. She will be worked regularly and I am convinced that she will be a fantastic horse and a great friend to a teenage girl. Good luck Antonia and Franzi!
Veröffentlicht unter Uncategorized
Verschlagwortet mit chesta, farewell, franzi, horse, horses, selling a horse
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Achim’s 60th Birthday
It was a warm, sunny day – high 20s. Tuesday the 16th July, 2019. 59 years and 364 Days after Achim was born. We were pretty busy working on the mill and I had a physiotherapy appointment in Aigen-Schlägl that I didn’t want to be late for. It was afternoon before we remembered that we still had to fence off part of the yard for the horses because everything else was already grazed off. So we worked hard until minutes before I had to head off to my appointment. But I had a surprise for Achim: After Aigen-Schlägl I wanted to take him to Lipno to a concert of Ivan Hlas in the tree top walk at the Moldau dam in the Czech Republic and camp there later. In the hurry we were in we couldn’t pack properly but we headed off anyway.
We got to Lipno about 1/2 hour before the concert and decided to go to the campground first and put up our tent so we didn’t have to do that after dark. We also weren’t sure whether we could still get in after 9 pm. So that’s what we did. It was getting rather cool but all I had with me was the summer dress I was wearing, a broad scarf and a pair of yoga pants and a long sleeve T-shirt to sleep in. Achim was wearing denims and a polo shirt but he had a jacket.
We found the directions to the tree top walk and found out that we had to take the chair lift up the mountain. The trip was wonderous. The light was fading, the moon was rising and we were able to hear music from afar. Up and up we went until we finally arrived at the top station, got off and saw the tower infront of us. We bought tickets and walked up. Achim had to try all the wobbly walks for kids and the young at heart. Ivan Hlas and his band welcomed us with „big beat“ music. A kind of soft rock. We loved it. While night was falling we walked all the way up, saw the red moon. Watched the partial eclipse of the moon sneek in, shivered, listenend, danced and were just happy to be alive.
After the concert we went back to our tent and noticed that our sleeping bags and the fact that we were on an airbed was way too cold. There was nothing much we could do. The hotels were closed, so we froze our a… off until the morning.
We had a good breakfast and drove home. Got changed, grabbed our rubber dinghy and headed off to the Danube to our boat, where we spent another night.
Thursday and Friday we worked hard to get set up for the guests that were coming on Friday and Saturday. We got beer tables and benches, put up umbrellas, cooked and baked like mad, planted flowers, swept yards, and bought drinks.
On Friday night at about 6 pm Achim’s nephew Philip and his girl-friend rolled in, followed by Achim’s long standing friend Manni (Manfred), Philip’s mum Kirsten and his former girl-friend Mimi. Instead of working we had dinner and caught up some.
For the party I had made two vegetarian lasagne (ricotta, spinach), Pastitio, Sacher Torte, Zuccini cake, Mimi made potato salad, Kirsten and Kati make Souvlaki, Nisha brought Tsatziki, Touli (a vegetable stew) and Galaktobouriko, Brigitte (Angerer Farm) brought Tiramisu, Zupfbrot (a type of bread), lettuce, Sabine brought a pasta salad. Nisha’s mother-in-law brought wonderful home made pickled eggplant and tomatoes. We had enough bread to feed an army, tons of corn cobs and generally could have fed another 20 people easily.
Although some people didn’t show, we had 27 people come. All the adults of Rastbuechl were here bar the publican. Two of Achim’s sisters and their families drove a long way to be able to be here, old friends, new friends, and our growing family. It was happy, „foodful“, lovely afternoon. In the evening Tiziano came with the ice cream van and at night the Rastbuechl crew sat until 3 am.
Achim’s biggest present – from nearly all the guests – was a picture painted by his former boss Franz Atomir, in 1988. (If you want to see it, go here and look at page 39.) It touched him so much this wonderful man started to quake and had tears in his eyes. Danke, Mrs Schuster for organizing this special gift.
On Sunday we „killed“ Achim’s 60th „Brez’n“ for breakfast while it rained and our guests were getting ready to leave one by one. 6 days of celebration, hard work and party has come to an end. We are emotional, happy, grateful, touched and want to thank each and everyone who thought of Achim on the day and who helped make this party so memorable. Thank you Agi for the dishes, Oswald for the tables and benches and everyone for the fantastic food! One negative thing did happen, our very young white dove got taken by a bird of prey.
Now, while I was writing this, the phone rang and we have more people coming this weekend. Party end to end.
For those of you who wonder how we could have moved to „such a remote area“ let me tell you. We are 1/2 hour from Passau, little over one hour from Linz, 2 hrs from Prague, Vienna, Munich and Nuremberg. 1/2 hour to the Lipno (Moldau) dam and from there to UNESCO town Czeske Krumlov, 15 min to the snow fields in winter and cross country right outside the door. How long does it take you to get from A to B in a city? We are more central then we ever were in our previous homes and we live in a region where life is still a little slower then elsewhere. We have a quality of life that we never ever thought we could have. We need very little to live as nature provides for at least 9 months of the year. WE LOVE IT! If you haven’t been here, come and see. We’ve found new friends and we are still in touch with old ones.
Love and hugs, Achim & Helena
Veröffentlicht unter Familie
Verschlagwortet mit birthday, czech, geburtstag, Geburtstagsfeier, Ivan Hlas, Jockl, konzert, lipno, moldau, party, tree top walk, tschechien
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Geschützt: 2019 – the year so far
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