It’s the 17th June, 2016 in the town hall of the little town of Neuhaus, on the River Inn. 8:45 am a group of people is standing there waiting. Waiting for what you ask? Waiting for me, for I was late, as usual. Waiting were Mr and Mrs Stangl senior with two of their sons, Florian and Simon, Florian’s best friend Frank and Mrs Stangl’s sister with her husband and …. Nisha with one of her best friends, Alex. Nisha was getting more anxious by the minute for she was didn’t want to get started without her mother.
Finally, 5 minutes past nine, Achim and I got there and we all hurried into the registrar’s office and Nisha and Florian sat at registrar Hamberger’s desk, listening to a rendition on the importance of humor, while I cried my eyes out in the back row, joined by Florian’s mother. Then the registrar explained the legalities of a name change and finally he asked whether they intend to henceforth be married to each other. After they both said a simple „yes“, he congratulated them on their marriage. And that was that.
Nisha J. Poehlmann is now Nisha J. Stangl, a married woman of 24 – not much longer though, because in three weeks she’ll turn 25. We welcome Florian into our family. Florian is a 36 year old, welder by trade and Nisha and he have been living together for the past 6 weeks in the gorgeous little town of Vornbach. Life will never be the same again, Nisha. All the very best, to the two of you. May your love last throughout the ages.