Electric power at the Mill

Die Turbine macht Licht.

Die Turbine macht Licht.

Those of you who regularly followed the previous blog, know that we have a hydroelectric power plant. The local authorities have now come to inspect the plant.  We were pretty shocked, when 6 people rocked up. Did we have them scared!?

LRA auf Besuch

The local authorities were very serious about this!

In recent times we have replaced the old generators with a brand spanking new one. Achim had the entire turbine in pieces,  had the paddle wheel sandblasted and restored, put in new bushings and bearings and bought new belt pulleys and finally a new, modern


Explosion diagram of our type of turbine

Looking into it.

Looking into it.

Uralt und rostig.

Uralt und rostig.

One of the old generators.

One of the old generators.

And that was the electrical controller?!

And that was the electrical controller?!

On the way to getting fixed.

On the way to getting fixed.

generator.  The crossflow turbine we have is not really suited for the tiny amout of water we have, but nontheless, we can make a little electricity some of the year – 3 kW at the most.  At the moment, the water level in the creek is just way too low, though.  I guess it’s just a romantic spleen, but it’s fun.

Perhaps one day we can invite school children here and show them how electricity can be produced in an environmentally friendly way.

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