Meet the bilingual secretary – Nisha J Stangl


Geprüfte Fremdsprachenkorrespondentin Nisha Stangl

It’s been a big year for Nisha (and her mother, too).  Not only did she get married, but she also just (officially on June 3) finished her vocational qualifications.  It’s  just after midnight and I’ve only been back from Landshut a few minutes.  It was a huge and very long ceremony where Nisha and nearly 250 other people got their certificates.  From now on, Nisha can say that she is a professionally qualified bilingual secretary, for English and German.  I’m very proud that she managed to summon the energy and courage to go do the exams and get her qualification.  I’m sure it will stand her in good stead.  She’s got a job interview lined up, too.  Congratulations, Nisha!

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